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March 20, 2004


Indeed those Matrix movies were convoluted to the point where they really conveyed very little coherent message. There was also some of the repugnant feminism with women murdering young men in cold blood for the purpose of creating some kind of shallow romantic excitation--truly despicable.

Similar scenes have been observed in "The Incredibles" and TV series "Lost"--one really wonders what they are teaching the kids these days, with women engaging in unrestrained sexual promiscuity and aggression, while men are restricted, punished and consigned to passive defeatedness. Is this a symptom of the currently existing paranoid, violence- and hate-plagued, anti-white-man modern culture?

Um, yeah. I don't understand.

Trying hard to think of a young man murdered in cold blood...WTF? Revolutionary tripe is more like it!

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