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August 11, 2004


Alright, Schager . . . where is the review for Alien Vs. Predator??? I need a movie this weekend.

And I'm sure if I missed it, Feces (or whatever you call him) will point me in the right direction. (This coming from a person who's nickname is Wawa . . . but oh well).

Sorry for no AVP yet. I was in Atlanta for the weekend - still sick as a dog - and didn't have a chance to see it. If my health holds up for a couple of hours tomorrow, I'll definitely be seeing it.

Reviews of The Manchurian Candidate, Napoleon Dynamite, and - yes, you asked for it, Wawa! - The Brown Bunny in the next few days....

Oh, and it's FACCE, not Feces....though that's funny as hell....

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