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September 08, 2004


Oh, pick one grade.

Martha Plimpton was in that, as the gay strip club bartender, no?

Furlong is such a whiney ho ... I can't stand him in anything, least of all Terminator 2.

You're right - equivicating about the grade is weak. It's now changed.

Yes, Plimpton was the gay strip club's bartender, and she's ok in it. But Furlong (though I don't share your hatred of T2), is terrible. Thank goodness his career seems to have gone into the tank after that KISS-tribute film Detroit Rock City.....

Haha ... speaking of "going into the tank": http://www.nypost.com/seven/09172004/gossip/pagesix.htm

That's ridiculous. It's nice to see Furlong being productive....

you are the biggest pauline kael wannabe.....ever.

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