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November 14, 2004


just wanted to know what is the car Pierce brosnan drives on the island?
hope some one can help me

Same question as Ernie. Want to know what kindof car Pierce Brosnan was driving on the island. If somebody knows, please Email me at [email protected]. Thank you.

Same question as Ernie. Want to know what kind of car Pierce Brosnan was driving on the island?
Please fill me in

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE tell me what is the car pierce brosnan drives!!???

Um, who knows? And more importantly, who cares?

The car is a 1969 Chevy Camaro Convertible. My good friend has the actual car, purchased from a movie car company in Southern California. It has the paperwork showing the time it spent on the island. It is gorgeous!!

To Deborah Gamble: We would like to find out the actual colors that were used on the '69 Camaro from "After the Sunset". My husband has a '70 Chevelle that he is about ready to spray and we are very interested in the color combo on that particular car.
You can e-mail me @[email protected] Thank you very much.

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