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December 30, 2004


I have a comment for the reviewer of Mona Lisa. Your description of Simone,"imposing African-American prostitute", I found a little misleading. The film is set in London,all indications are that she was born there ,so, how could she possibly be African-American?


You are, of course, correct. Thanks for the heads-up.

i didn't get the significance of the rabbit and i also felt that at the end when bob hoskins character was under the car with his friend it felt as if it was possibly one of the novels they had conjured up. i read many reviews but never got theimpression that anyone remotely shared my take on the film it was extremely compelling, but when they shoed simone relfected in the indshied toward the end, that somehow made me thin it was a figment of the bob hoskins character's imagination.

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