Clint Eastwood and his orangutan sidekick return for more boozing and street brawling in Any Which Way You Can, a redundant Buddy Van Horn-helmed sequel in which Philo Beddoe (Eastwood) and pet monkey Clyde find themselves embroiled in a high-stakes fight against legendary fisticuffer Jack Wilson (William Smith). A slightly sloppier rehash of Any Which Way But Loose, this second team-up between Eastwood and a primate also includes Sondra Locke and Geoffrey Lewis as Philo’s country music-singing love interest and trusty friend, respectively, as well as the slapsticky Black Widow Nazi gang. Perhaps the most disposable film Eastwood has ever made, Any Which Way You Can delivers its share of moderately humorous gags involving Clyde’s “right turn” punch and Philo’s crotchety Ma (the always funny Ruth Gordon) while never transcending – or even barely improving upon – its superior predecessor. With that said, however, such been-there, done-that monkeying around is still made moderately amusing by Eastwood’s “I can’t believe I’m in another one of these movies” eye rolls.
Damn man, you review everything don't you?
Posted by: M Dog | July 13, 2005 at 08:51 AM
EVERYthing. It's like a disease.
Just wait until you see the next batch of ridiculous movies I've been watching...
Posted by: Nick | July 13, 2005 at 09:23 AM
Well we can thank "Every Which Way But Loose" for bestowing upon us such TV Classics like BJ and The Bear.
Posted by: M Dog | July 13, 2005 at 12:39 PM
Whats with you guys....this is an amazing movie,maybe not left wing liberal enough for your crowd!!!!! Philo Beddoe Rules!!
Posted by: Nationalist | December 20, 2008 at 07:47 AM