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July 11, 2005



Craig Brewer (not Brewster) here. Just so you know. A "trick" is a customer of a prostitute. It's not a variation on "Beat Dat Bitch." We're talkin' about whoopin on a man. Just so you get it right.

Mistakes noted. Thanks.

A trick can either be the customer of a prostitute or a prostitute. In the context of the song used in the movie, it's referring to a prostitute. When in doubt, check UrbanDictionary.com.

HA! Thanks for the clarification, Monstermike. From now on, I'll be sure to use UrbanDictionary.com as a source.

Nonetheless, to avoid further debating a point I don't really care about, I simply changed the last sentence to make my main argument more clear.

Oh snap! Who got 'wooped' now, Craigy! Power to my ladies!

I have never heard "trick" used to mean a prostitute's customer. Trick has always meant either a prostitute or a sexual act performed by one. And urban dictionary is often times full of b.s. so don't believe everything you read.

I disagree with this post, a lot of people get so caught up with the political incorrectness of the film that the miss the whole point. The whole movie was from a pimp's point of view, so there is going to be some morally corrupt issues in the movie. His life is morally corrupt, yet he realizes this which is why he says that there has to be more to life than this. Drug dealing and pimping were the only ways he knew how to make money. Not condoning it, but the movie showed how life is for those who don't think there is any hope. Furthermore, as far as degrading females, I think it showed the low-self-esteem of the type of women who become prostitutes. The movie also pointed out the dissatisfaction (understatement) that the women felt from having wonton sex, another lesson. No, he was not very respectful to the "lead prostitute" and the movie depicted her in a bad light. But there are people out there who are like that because they have no hope. If the movie did not have these aspects the message would have been ruined. There were no unnecessary, graphic sex scenes like many of the movies that get wonderful ratings. Every scene in the movie contributed to the overall message, that
there is hope for every type of person.

"And urban dictionary is often times full of b.s. so don't believe everything you read." was added to my previous post by this site's admin.

Shame on you, admin person! If you can't win a debate please don't cheat.

I repeat:
I have never heard "trick" used to mean a prostitute's customer. Trick has always meant either a prostitute or a sexual act performed by one.

Mr. Narchevsky,

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I have never added anything to any reader post on this site, and resent the accusation. If you are the same person that left the earlier post under the name "John Factorial" (aside from the OTHER post under the name Narchevsky), then you wrote everything in that post. Case closed.

I'd be tempted to rejoin this debate, but given that it's less than four months later and most people have forgotten about this movie, I'll abstain and instead listen to the new Trina album.

my bad. this interface is a little confusing. i'm quite certain that i was mistaken earlier and would like to withdrawal my most recent comments. apologies for my apparent denegration of your debate practices.

i'm also going to go listen to my new trina album.


I thought the movie was average at best. In retrospect- the entirety of the movie was encapsulated by the trailer (a very bad indicator). I had no respect for DJay because he lacked any musical talent or lyrical ability.. and he was a womanising pimp daddy. We were supposed to feel sorry for this poor man who parasitically aquired his money from reluctant prostitutes. He supposedly has a life-changing experience in a church ... but what man goes into a church to emerge even more self ambitious and unrepentant?? Don't get me wrong.. I enjoy rap and hip-hop but I found the hook "Whoop that trick" laughable. Singing about prostitutes and pimps is no longer commercial.

Dr Anon.

Just watched this movie and your post echoes my feelings about it completely. I didn't respect any character in this movie-not Terrence Howard's character, who unapologetically pimped the character Nola out to get his microphones for free, not Nola, who seemed like she could take care of herself and didn't need a pimp to chauffeur her around and take her money but didn't seem to realize it, and not Shug, who was cast in the prototypical barefoot and pregnant heart-of-gold stereotypical role. It was telling that Craig Brewer, in the special features interview, said that the actresses shouldn't have felt "weak" for their roles, and that "men want and need" women to "get behind them" (by what, letting themselves be pimped off against their will so a guy can get equipment for his so-called dream?) It is clear he is misogynistic, and his movie is misogynistic, and the music in it is misogynistic (just as misogynistic as it's most famously misogynistic actor and rapper, Ludacris). Please do us some favors, Craig Brewer, and go into something other than filmmaking.

i agree with thefakedoc and dr. anon. a pimp achieves his 'dream' by enslaving women (or capitalizing on them enslaving themselves). he's a leech, a parasite. the "no other options in the ghetto" talk is pure b.s. it's called a job. self-respect. work. the sound engineer in the film was doing it. why can't djay?

even aside from the social critique,
everything in this movie was tired, rehashed, stereotypes. completely unoriginal. EZ-E rapped "bitches aint shit but ho's and tricks" back in 1986. Ice-T rapped "pimpin aint easy" around 1988.

the pimp/ho/money/guns genre has become so commercialized and formulaic, it is sad. even industry heads like russell simmons have said in interviews that hip hop has got to change.

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