Well, after much consideration and even more prodding from a few certain friends, I've decided to add a component to this blog that's more, well, bloggish. Thus, I introduce This Multiplexed World. Named in honor of Tom Tomorrow's peerless political comic strip, it'll be an unruly film-centric forum for my random thoughts, musings and tirades that, I hope, will function as a nice balance to the review content that this site has become known for (and which I'll still be producing at a feverish clip). Either that, or it'll prove to be just another of my many narcissistic endeavors.
My first real post will be coming in the next few hours. But in the meantime, I figured I'd kick things off simply with a link - this one to a pretty funny (and pretty sharp) parody of Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man.
(Via GreenCine Daily)
I look forward to your contributions via this newfound outlet, but for now I want to thank you deeply for turning me to this brilliant strip (This Modern World). Just when the shit in our political world had started to get me down again, this helped stimulate me out of my near-apathy. Thank you.
Posted by: Robert Humanick | January 19, 2006 at 05:18 PM
I'm here to help :)
Posted by: Nick | January 21, 2006 at 02:25 PM