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March 28, 2006


I like the reference to The Shining.

I want to see a picture of you kissing a naked ho, who turns into a zombie, though.

Put some more pix on Hannah's blog. That chick never updates.

I do like the new look. A little renovation never hurt anyone, at least permanently. I second the Shining nod. That's a Kubrick film I've come to appreciate more and more over the years. First saw it when I was about fourteen, flat out disliked it. The most recent time I watched it, the opening shot alone sent chills down my spine.

Glad both of you like The Shining stuff. Given my Kubrick adoration, I thought it was fitting - and even though I don't think it's his best film, it's definitely my favorite entry in his (awesome) canon.

That said, I don't think any pictures of me kissing naked grandmas in bathtubs are forthcoming. But as a wise man once said, "You never, never know..."

Hey, Nick. Nice blog!
I've been a regular fan of your writing at Slant.
I've been meaning to update my links list and add your blog to it (which I just did).
And thank you for linking to mine.


Thanks. I've been a big fan of your blog for some time too (aw, feel the love!), though I've only now - with this new redesign - actually bothered putting up links to the sites I regularly read.


Get a still of Bad News Brown double-crossing Bret Hart in Wrestlmania IV...that's what this puppy needs!!

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