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October 01, 2006


Wow, I totally forgot about Little Children. Based on the annoying trailers it appears to be the premiere film of the year I'll recieve the displeasure of enduring. Just added it to my list of least anticipated films.

On a higher note, I'm looking forward to The Host and The Departed, as well as a few others if they could nail down release dates and/or distributors...

"And for purists, the original mono soundtrack is also included."

What the hell is wrong with you people? Are there really film geeks who would complain about remastered stereo, as if it was colorizing Citizen Kane?

There are people who complain about remastered audio, though I'm generally not one of them. It's only an issue when the new surround effects are really artificial, but that's not the case with this new Nightmare on Elm Street disc...

I second the hatred for artificial sound effects in remastered mixes. I'll take the mono soundtrack for The Terminator any day of the week.

My Region 0 copy of STALKER has a new soundtrack that plays with Tarkovsky's OG mix. I'd be tempted to buy the Region 1 coming out soon if it weren't the same thing packaged with English instead of Russian typeface/font.


Funny that you bring up the Stalker DVD, as I too have the Region 0 Russian disc, and was recently offered the new Region 1 disc. I turned down the offer when I realized that it was the exact same disc, except that its packaging boasted the new distributor's name.

Nick, I just noticed your new review of Aguirre over at Slant. Is that in a re-release in the city (since it doesn't seem to be in conjunction with a DVD release or site-based feature)? I'll be in New York this weekend and if I could see Aguirre projected I just might squeal with happiness.


It's being re-released, with a new print, at Film Forum. Alas, if you're in NYC this weekend, you'll miss it, since I believe it opens two weeks from this Friday (October 20).

Nevertheless, it's *Aguirre*. I planned a trip to NY solely to see 2001 at the Ziegfeld, and Aguirre isn't far off on my list of favorites (and nor is NY far off either - only a $35 bus ticket and a 2 hour ride). Excellent review, nonetheless. I'll never forget the first time I saw it. Afterwards, I was practically hallucinating myself - so much that I literally got lost on the college campus I'd been living on for three years already.

Yeah, I'm insane. I'm planning a trip with my buddy to see it that weekend.


Glad you liked the review. As for your trip, though, keep in mind that it's playing at Film Forum, meaning that it'll be shown on a screen only sightly bigger than your average television - and not, unfortunately, on a screen as nice as the Ziegfeld's.

Never been to Film Forum, and something tells me that that is the kind of info that, otherwise, one wouldn't find out until they got there. Thanks. That definitely merits a re-evaluation of plans.

And yes, the Ziegfeld was absolutely glorious.

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