Having lost all interest in awards shows like the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards, I can't muster the energy to repeat last year's running diaries.
So instead, here's a video clip for those who read my previous Globes post. It also doubles as a clue to what I really watched tonight.
Good for him. I hate Christmas.
Posted by: Joe Grossberg | January 16, 2007 at 11:48 AM
Good nick, I just went through your last year's Globe comments. So hilarious! How come you didn't bring them this year?! We need more guys like you.
Keiffer is one bad mofo. Hell yeah.
Posted by: Bruno Packer | January 16, 2007 at 09:01 PM
Okay so I have no clue why exactly Kiefer Sutherland just jumped a Christmas tree but damn, that is awesome. Bonus points for the opera music.
Posted by: Joseph Young | January 17, 2007 at 01:12 AM