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September 02, 2008


For somebody who generally rightly lamented the diminishing returns of Christopher Guest's mockumentaries, what critical glaucoma overwhelmed you on this one, CHiPs?

I am generously going to assume the presence of Herzog is the culprit, because I watched this last night and what a tedious, tin-eared facsimile of a lousy Guest movie this was and a criminal waste of many funny comedians.

These characters weren't just cliches, they were cliches of cliches in Guest's lousiest movies. Oh, and let's not forget that the whole thing might as well been called Partypoker.net's The Grand, because the website held a stronger grip on the movie than any of its creators did.

The idea that this was better than Youth in Revolt is such incontrovertible madness that I am beginning to mistrust you on comedies...

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