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October 05, 2008


I'm so glad you liked this film, it's stayed with me as probably my favorite film at Toronto this year - since I'm not really counting "Ashes Of Time", which would be my #1, and it's pretty much tied with "A Christmas Tale". I'm excited too because I loved "Flight of The Red Balloon" so much (as I know you did too). This bodes well for this Museum D'Orsay project, which now has two successes to its name, and two more great directors in queue. My question to you is what you thought of "Boarding Gate", which everyone's seemed to hate except me and Phelps (and Dargis). Assayas is always up and down, but I think he's had a good year this year, and "Boarding Gate" played to me like a better version of his "demonlover", which I'm not a fan of. "Summer Hours" is completely different though, to those who haven't seen it, and know Assayas, think "Late August, Early September" all grown up. --Sam C. Mac

When is someone going to admit that demonlover is Assayas' best film?

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