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February 26, 2010


This and Simon's review at Slant have me fairly stoked. Nice review.

You seen "Shutter Island" yet, Nick?

Thank, Charles.

No, I haven't seen Shutter Island yet. Eager to, but that one - as well as the new Polanski - has so far eluded me. They'll both happen, though.

Cool -- hope to see your thoughts on them somewhere.

The Crazies is nothing greater than a movie about civilization long gone psychotic. It options government conspiracies, half-assed quilt-ups (it got here out proper after Watergate, remember that), abuses of energy, unthinkable horrors.

Id argue the business of remakes these days cannot ever respectfully aspire to the relevance of any its said original(s).

Id rank this with the Hills Have Eyes remake in that its a great thriller/horror premise that, with the given generous hindsight, quite gets its job done.

No matter how tired i am of watching Olyphant play law enforcers, He leads the reasoning that this remake is very worth a genre fan's emprace.

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