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March 04, 2010


Thanks for this review. I'm glad I didn't waste money at the theater on it, but sounds like a lazy weekday renter to at least admire the Scorsese shots. Wondering if you've seen Moon? I rented it a few weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. For some time you don't know if he's going mad or on the brink of enlightenment. It's also been some time since a movie made me feel for a ""robot"". The part when he calls ""home"" and hears his own voice in the background is just heartbreaking.

OK, back to why I'm trying to get a hold of you: I'd like you're e-mail address for a private message. You can check out my Web site, and if it sounds interesting, I'd love to talk more about it with you. I think you'd be perfect for it. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers!

I completely agree with you. The beginning sequences had the most over-the-top dramatic music that I knew I was wasting my time. Leonardo's character is revealed as pointless and useless in the first 5 minutes. I had no sympathy for him or desire to go through the 2 hour journey with him. But I stayed out of respect for Scorsese.

Thanks for the review. My young actor friend loved SHUTTER ISLAND so much that he went back to see it a second time the next day! I'll go to see it for the entire experience, good or bad, free on my SAG card!
Thanks again,

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