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June 17, 2010


Yours is the only review of this god-awful film that I agree with. Seems they saved money on writers and editors, to name just two. I don't think there was 30 seconds of dialoge that was anything but laughable. She falls in love with the guy over his prawns, literally? The ending was so overwrought and poorly realized, with music blaring, that I laughed until tears ran down my face at the idiocy of this mess. So...a good laugh kept the two hours spent from being a total loss.

What a conceit this film is. A simple story line blown so out of proportion by the both facile and lugubrious photography and melodramatic music. I call it narcissism carried to its tragic albeit contrived ending. P.S. I did love the all too brief shots of the beautiful, Russian church Emma remembers.

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