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September 19, 2010


Ah, we have finally hit the point where crush defeats common sense. Christ, was this movie boring. All the stuff you normally savage (the circular idiocy of a plot going nowhere slowly, by-the-numbers action that takes place almost entirely in slow-mo, wooden smirk-tastic heroine, characters with less-than-one dimension), and this sh*t gets a B, huh?
Plus, if you've even seen interviews with your crush, she is a smug child of obscene privilege and a nigh-unbearable interview.

I agree that it has lots of elements that normally rub me the wrong way. But I think the film has style to burn, is shot well (in 3D, no less), and delivers decent B-movie cheese.

As for Milla, as long as she's not some crazy racist/political nut/criminal, I don't care what she's like in real life. It has no effect on my enjoyment of her action-film performances.

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